World Climate Game – Together for a Sustainable Future
The climate crisis has reached our society in a palpable way. It is complex, multifaceted and threatening. Young people, in particular, are suffering anxiety and a sense of powerlessness because of it. How can we support young people and inspire them to face this challenge with hope and determination?
The World Climate Game is an interactive three-day app-supported board game on the topic of climate change and sustainability. Based on a scientifically-founded climate and economic simulation, it makes the interactions and interrelationships of the world climate crisis experiential in a playful way. The game world mirrors the conditions and crises of the reality. Participants take on responsibility for the global economy, geopolitics and social justice and assume the roles of decision-makers from business, politics and civil society. They have a century (10 game rounds) to implement an economically, ecologically and socially sustainable societal and economic order.
The game is designed to help teenagers and young adults comprehend the complex interrelationships of a globally interconnected world shaped by mutual dependencies. They face the challenges of our time and collaboratively and self-effectively work out solutions for a sustainable world through co-operation, negotiation skills, and empathy.
„The more powerful general intelligence is, the greater its ability to address specific problems.“
Edgar Morin (The Seven Knowledges Necessary for Future Education)